How do I find a salsa instructor?

Post date: Dec 21, 2011 12:12:10 AM

Finding a dance instructor in your city is not always easy. Today most major cities will have a number of salsa instructors to choose from. If you are in a smaller city you may have more difficulty. Here are a few methods for locating salsa dance instructors:

Internet: Many cities have a web page dedicated to listing salsa instructors for that region. On the search engine, type "salsa" and "city name" for your city. This will give you a large and varied list of instructors but it’s still up to you to evaluate them. Click here for a list of salsa city links.

Word of Mouth: Asking dancers in the clubs about salsa schools. This is a good method because you'll get someone's opinion in addition to the

instructor's name.However you have to keep in mind that they may not have

ever tried anyone else's class so take the advice with a grain of salt.

Phone Book: Call up dance schools from the phone book (salsa or ballroom) and ask if they teach salsa classes. This is probably the most time consuming, but you will be able to ask what styles they teach and what their specialty is.

In case there are no salsa instructors in your city, we would recommend finding a willing partner, and ordering instructional videotapes to learn from. The alternative is to travel to nearby cities for instruction. This may not be feasible depending on how far away you are, as it can get expensive and time consuming.

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